Preparing Interface


Kg/Ha g/plant
General Instructions
Method of Lime / Dolomite application
The recommended dose of lime/dolomite should be applied in two equal splits, two or three weeks before the application of fertilizer.
Method of Fertilizer application
Urea, Rock Phosphate and Muriate of Potash should be applied in two equal splits (rain fed) / three equal splits (irrigated).

After removing the mulches around the plant base, the fertilizers may be applied in a circular band of width 15 cm, leaving 30 cm from the plant base.

Fertilizer should be thoroughly mixed with the top 2 to 3 inches of the surface soil with hand fork.

The fertilizer applied area may be covered again with mulches.
Organic manures
Organic manure such as Farm Yard Manure or Compost @10 kg/plant, Neem cake (1 kg/plant )may be applied once in a year during May /June.

The manure should be thoroughly mixed with surface soil after application.